Home A new Suun blouse for fall

A new Suun blouse for fall

by Elsa
Suun blouse, La Casa Cactus

I really enjoyed sewing two Suun blouses during that pattern testing phase, but I found them to be a bit on the wide side. I didn’t know if blending from a size 40 bust/waist to a size 42 hips would work.

I did the blending and it is perfect!

Suun blouse, La Casa Cactus


Let’s talk about fabric

Fall is around the corner. Mornings are crisp whereas afternoons can be hot. I bought these microfiber and viscose coupons last June (Coupons de Saint Pierre).

They didn’t stay long on the shelves (*self-congratulations*). I used the microfiber for the main and a tiny bit of viscose for the yoke lining. Because I’m not so fond of hand-sewing, I also shot a tutorial for using the burrito method on the Suun blouse.

The microfiber has that fall vibe I was looking for. It matches the FB group “Sewing contest and Sew-alongs”‘ theme, which is TRANSITION.

Suun blouse, La Casa Cactus


My fall Suun

So here’s my transition Suun blouse. Some long sleeves, but lightweight fabric. It was my first time sewing microfiber and I know that my sewing machine can be temperamental with some fabrics, but everything went smoothly.

I can’t sew without making at least one mistake! I vaguely remembered that I had shortened my sleeves during testing. But I was too lazy to find.read my notes so I chopped 8cm…rookie mistake, the sleeves eneded up being too short!

Instead of unpicking and cutting new longer sleeves, I chose to add some cuffs. And I do love how it enhances the gathers at the wrists. I may sew another Suun blouse with an even wider cuff and more gathers…


Suun blouse, La Casa Cactus


About gathers. Whatever I do, I can’t get them to be distributed evenly. Do you have a trick to share? So far, I’ve done 1 row in the seam allowance and one outside, 2 rows inside+1 row outside…to no avail!!!



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