Home Needles and Threads Extraordinary Girl Blog Tour

Extraordinary Girl Blog Tour

by Elsa

OK, ladies, here is my turn to show you one (yes…one!) of my Extraordinary Girl Tops I made for Miss G. This pattern is from Filles à Maman and, if you remember well, I was one of Mel’s lucky testers for this girl’s pattern (you can read all about it here).

So this time, it’s not the Holidays so I went from red and deer fabric to grey and pink! This is a combo I really like, especially when pink is close to Miss G’s face, it really enlightens her complexion (and makes her glow…really!).


So here we go, 2 Ponte (from Lolieshop…again!). And one extraordinary little girl (who wasn’t so keen on a photo shoot…and, yes,  I had to bribe her…tweens…Oh, my, my baby is a tween!!!).

Let’s get back to this knit top. The sweet boatneck might seem tricky at first, but Mel leads you towards a perfect completion and the result is just…whaouh! You can easily mix colours and the rounded hem adds an extra feminine touch to the top.


Do not fear rounded hems, they are not difficult to sew. Here’s my tip: if my hem should be at 1/2″, I baste a simple straight line  at 1/2″, then I turn my hem along that stitched line, I press, and here you go, a perfect rounded line. Once my hem is completed, I unpick my basted line.


GIVEAWAY (I have to link you to Deb’s own post !)

Monday Feb. 16th
Tuesday Feb. 17th
Wednesday Feb. 18th
Thursday Feb. 19th
Friday Feb, 20th



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