Home Needles and Threads Christmas: Wreaths, garlands, and Co.

Christmas: Wreaths, garlands, and Co.

by Elsa

Christmas season started just around mid-OCtober this year! Between ads and TV programs; it becomes rather tricky to forget that’s that time of the year.

I really want to deck the hall this year BUT I have 5 indoor cats. That means no Christmas tree again this year, but I should be able to hang banners/garlands, and wreaths around my house thanks to Etsy‘s fabulous supply of antyhing-Christmas related. I even set up a list of Christmassy stuff I’d like to have.

Christmas wreaths

You can find the perfect wreath, you can be sure of that; I plan to have one on my front door and, maybe, one outside my craft-/guest-room.

Itty-bitty tiny pompons

Etsy wreath couronne

Lots of baubles

Etsy wreath couronne

Some wool

Etsy wreath couronne

Or for those of you that are addicted to Harry Potter (wink to our last holidays in Florida).

Etsy wreath couronne Harry Potter

Buntings and garlands

These little Christmas trees would look like some delicate lace against a neutral wall.

pine tree bunting

This one’s design is elegant and refined.

Noël Christmas jute bunting

Our cats do like a bit of garland-chasing, but we always put some on our staircase.

Noël Christmas poinsettia garland

Some felt wool pompoms to brighten my daughter’s white bookcases and give a festive look to them.

Noël felt wool bunting


Creating my Christmas ornaments

I’m in awe regarding Lolli and Grace’s embroidery designs. I can’t hand-embroider (well, at least, not yet, but that’s some craft I’m dying to learn). I could easily buy all of her designs or her kits!

Her PDF patterns for Christmas show vibrant colors we do not usually pair with Christmas.

Lolli and grace Etsy

The green on that set if just mesmerizing for me! I need to learn embroidery ASAP!

Kit christmas

She also has embroidery kits for these ornaments. Aren’t they cute?

Felt kitNoël felt kit 3

If ideas fail you, you can have a look at Etsy’s Christmas guide.


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Christmas decoration guide



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