Home Needles and Threads Coquette, Jalie’s pet tent for our kitties

Coquette, Jalie’s pet tent for our kitties

by Elsa

Something totally different in terms of sewing! Our cats (6 living indoors and 2 barn cats) never benefited from my sewing skills. Poor kitties!

I was really happy to see the Galaxie 4 set Jalie launched last year. 4 patterns dedicated to our furry friends.

I decided to sew the pet tent, in a size L.

Coquette, Galaxie 4 (Jalie #2020)

Coquette is a pet tent available in fours sizes. The smallest is great for…tiny squirrels that need some help. Wildlife rehabilitation centers even use them. That’s just so cute.


Since cats love smaller than themselves spaces, I made a size L.


What you will need for your Coquette

This fabric caught my eye instantly. What’s better than fish and kitties for a pet tent? It’s a rather thcik canvas, with prints on a beige background..

I didn’t have access to the batting advised in the instructions. I chose to buy some thick foam. Well, it was very difficult to sew: I had to squish it before the pressure to have it going. I also had to place some thin plastic sheets underneath to get it moving!

Coquette, Galaxie 4 Jalie 2020

Sewing Coquette is not difficulet per se actually. Some darts for a nice shaping, some circles, and that’s it.

Coquette, Galaxie 4 Jalie 2020

I did my base differently from the instructions: I really didn’t understand them and would have ended up with visible seams on the outside. I decided to do the classical RST.

I also cut a slit on the inside base, to insert the foam circle. Just in case…

Coquette, Galaxie 4 Jalie 2020

I aslo cut the roof in two mirrored parts since my fabric was directional.

The velboa cushion is a pillow cover instead.

Coquette, Galaxie 4 Jalie 2020


Do they like it?

Yes…and no! The youngest kitty, Maya, was interested by it at first, but quickly let it aside. Merlin is the only one to find it useful. We moved the tent next to the TV set and he enjoys it there better than under their cat tree.


Ah, cats! That was a really pleasurable experience. I had never sewn something like that and it was fun, even if sometimes, I had troubles wrestling with my foam.

Since I have some canvas left, my daughter has plans for it: either another bag (something different from her Polka bag) or a wallet (like this one).

Have you already sewn stuff for your pets? Did they enjoy it?

Pattern: Jalie #2020

Fabrics: Canvas and Velboa

Notions: foam

#jaliecommunity #minervamakers #sewingforpets

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