Home Needles and Threads His second Elegant shirt

His second Elegant shirt

by Elsa
L'Élégant chemise Les BG, La Casa Cactus

Such a success for his Elegant shirt #1, so why not sewing another one with some modifications?

This one is a mirror of his studies and hobbies.

Some new modifications

I used exactly the same pattern i.e. the slim fit shirt with fish-eye darts at the back and with the “president” collar (available in the add-on). You can read about the  muslin here.

Last time, I had  added 1 cm only for the seam allowances and with such a small SA, I couldn’t finish the seams properly. Serging SA on a bespoke shirt is a bit sad, isn’t it?!?

So, this time I added 1.5 cm. Such a seam allowance would help decide whether I sewed French seams or flat-felled seams. When I started this shirt, I didn’t know what type of seams I would sew.

I shortened the sleeves by 1 cm: I had added 3 cm for shirt #1, but he preferred having them a bit shorter so I chopped that extra 1 cm.


Elégant shirt in Science Fair, La Casa Cactus

That fabric…!

It’s from Minerva and is a Robert Kaufman poplin. It’s rather thick as a poplin so it will be a nice winter shirt. The name is rather explicit: Science Fair! Perfect for a student in engineering. You can read math and sciences formulas that are printed on the fabric.

It’s available with 3 different backgrounds: white, grey, and black. I would have chosen the grey, but my husband insisted we chose the black one.

I had to cut the yoke on the bias because I had not checked the width (only 110 cm). So I was as bit short on fabric, but it’s not really noticeable and it’s visually pleasing to have the back of the shirt with less verticality.


French seams or flat-felled seams?

I really pondered what type of seams I would sew. Actually, I would have chosen French seams if I had known how to handle the armscye seams. Since I did not, I chose flat-felled seams instead.

I had sewn flat-felled seams once in the past, for my Montana shirt so I wasn’t so sure about them. I checked online and discvored that there were different flat-felled seams on a man’s shirt. I also checked on my husband’s RTW shirts!

If you’re interested in sewing flat-felled seams, think about hand basting the ‘roll’ of fabric, especially on the sleeves, the trickiest part of all the shirt.


Final  Elegant shirt

…a brand new shirt that fits him so well. I feel more and more pleased with Les BG patterns, even if, at first, I was a bit dubious!

I may tackle the daunting task of sewing their coat pattern for either my husband or my son…or both, but let’s start with one coat!

I’m looking for fabrics that are science or space/plane-related (neither babyish nor psychedelic). Share your best shops in the comments.

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