Home Family Some gifts for me…

Some gifts for me…

by Elsa
Liste Etsy Mary Poppins, La Casa Cactus

I really have a hard time buying things for me. But this time was different: every invoice was paid and no holidays in the near future meant that I could indulge in some gifts for me exclusively!

My Etsy favourite items

Nothing connected to sewing…well, indirectly, yes… You’ll see… I took great advantage of my Mary Poppins favourite items list.


Home decoration

I like compiling lists on Etsy for special occasions such as Christmas or Mother’s Day. I love adding some new stuff and seeing how my taste evolves over time.

My craftsroom benefited from this new clock. I paid 35 euros for it and it’s really cute.

Liste Etsy Mary Poppins, La Casa Cactus

It’s from the shop named  L’ Atelier d’Ombeline.


These lovely pendant earrings are now mine!

Liste Etsy Mary Poppins, La Casa Cactus

The little umbrellas add a whimsical touch to rather classical earrings.I found them on Cabochon Blue Jeans Etsy shop. Very good comunication between seller and buyer and a complimentary ring with Mary Poppins herself! It cost me 10 euros.


Liste Etsy Mary Poppins, La Casa Cactus

Last but not least, an enamel pin that matches both hobbies: Mary Poppins and sewing. This one is from Sweet Grenadine’s. The measuring tape says “Practically perfect in every way”! When I had my Silhouette cutting machine, I had cut this exact saying in HTW and pressed it onto one of my pajamas top.


Liste Etsy Mary Poppins, La Casa Cactus

Do you like to spend time on Etsy for the pleasure of looking at cute things? Do you enjoy compiling lists of favourite items? Share them below in the comments.

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