Home Family Teacher’s end-of-the-schoolyear gift

Teacher’s end-of-the-schoolyear gift

by Elsa

I’ll be honest and state from the beginning that I didn’t make the teachers’ gift this year…! I bought it from Bronze-N-Roses, a shop on A Little Market. I had already bought bracelets for me and one of my goddaughters there and I had been so pleased that I knew that I would buy again.

Look at these cuties!!!

Mine, obviously, there are cats on it!

So end of the schoolyear AND end of primary for Miss G…Junior school, here she comes. Last year, I had sewn Dopp-kits for the teachers, but I had no idea for this year! Since her teacher likes having earrings, I thought that those would be cute (they say “Thank you Ms!”)

The shipping fees are very low (for France at least, I don’t know if she ships global). And customer care is great: I always have some extras in the package. This time there were two hairclips. I *might* indulge in some earrings for me soon…!


EDIT (07/12/2017): A Little Market will go out of business by August, 31…so sad…BUT Bronze-N-Roses opened a shop on Etsy, yeah!

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