Home Blog A new “Home” for La Casa Cactus

A new “Home” for La Casa Cactus

by Elsa

There we are!!! A real website for La Casa Cactus. I’ve been talking about it for a loooong time. It was supposed to be my Christmas present 2 years ago. But, hey, who cares? It’s here and, I hope, it will be here for long.

Since I’m no expert in computer stuff, I’ll try and experiment things, starting with COLORS! I’m not good at choosing colors other than blue/purple/black. So this website may undergo noticeable color changes over the first few months, like Lady Gaga’s hair!

After our trip to Florida last October, I suffered from a severe Disney-withdrawal!!! I had nothing to set up: no flight to book, no Advanced Dining Reservation etc…! Even sewing semmed dull to me. It was high time I did something I had in my mind for…2 years…

So I hope that this new La Casa Cactus’s website will please you. There will be sewing (as usual) and family stuff and tutorials.




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