
Palermo a “Sew Beautiful” dress

As soon as I saw the first sketch of the Palermo dress back late 2019, I knew I had to test it.

Palermo is one of the patterns included in Kennis Wong’s new book, Sew Beautiful, available on Dec. 8 2020. Kennis is the mastermind behind the Itch to Stitch patterns. Ah, ITS patterns, how I love them!

You may have already read about my Carlsbad cardigan. Now is the time for my favorite pattern of all the patterns in the book (I may be a bit partial since I haven’t sewn all of them yet!). I plan to give a thorough review of the book a bit later. We’re currently on lockdown and I may not have the right fabrics for each project.

Palermo is a flowy dress, with a tiered skirt and elastics. 

Such an easy pattern for a quick make.

The pattern

A very simple design for a blouse or a dress: a peasant neckline (i.e. elastic around the neckline) with a cute V, elastics at the wrists, and a tiered skirt. You may tie a sash for a more fitted look since the dress is really loose.

The front is not cut on the fold so you may want to play with topstitching. Mine is hidden in the motif however.

What’s tricky with the appearance of simplicity is to get a pattern that is technically perfect and has the right drape, the best look, and the instructions that go with all of the above. Kennis is a designer that knows her job and this dress is effortlessly simple and chic.

One Palermo in fall hues

Right from the start, I kew what fabrics I would used. Which is no small feat for me!

I had some viscoses from the Coupons de Saint Pierre. Viscose is one the fabrics mentioned for this pattern since it has the right weight and drape.

And here I am with a beautiful dress, the colors of which go perfectly with the season.

See how the skirt flows (it was rather windy):

I prefer wearing it with a sash. Or you could add a belt of your liking. I’m not a big fan os gathering, but I did quite a bit of gathering on the tiered skirt. I used the serge method for the large flounce, but used my tried and true pin gathering method for the others. The “pin” method takes more time, but I manage my gathers much better with it.

The “pin” method: I mark the centers on both pieces, pin, mark the centers again on the new halves, pin, repeat endlessly.  

I tried many gatherings methods, from the serger to the zigzag-over-dental-floss one (not very efficient…at least, your fabric smells peppermint!), but I always come back to my “pin” method.

I think that this dress will also look nice with tights when the weather will be colder.

I may sew the blouse version. I don’t have a peasant blouse in my wardrobe…yet.

I hope that you enjoyed seeing my Palermo dress.

And a photo session wouldn’t be right at La Casa Cactus without a cute furry friend, Sephora, the barn cat (he’s a HE, we thought he was a lady when he was a kitten).


Pattern: Palermo (from Kennis Wong’s Sew Beautiful book)

Fabrics: Viscoses (Les Coupons de Saint-Pierre)


Instagram: #palermodress #palermoblouse #sewbeautifulbook

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