
Aveiro in lurex knit

Aveiro cardigan, La Casa Cactus

My wardrobe still lacking some staples, I apply mostly for pattern tests that can help me fill this lack. If my first Aveiro, in regular length really pleased me with its large stripes and purple color, I must confess that purple is not easy to wear. Itch to Stitch patterns are those that I’m attracted to the most because I know what kind of alterations I migh need.

So I chose to sew the cropped version of the Aveiro, in a less stretchy fabric. It’s some black brushed knit with lurex thread, giving a nice shiny silver effect.

Here’s Aveiro #2!


Aveiro cardigan, La Casa Cactus


Aveiro #2: the come-back!

Because my knit fabric was less stretchy, I lengthened the bands slightly. I also used [amazon_textlink asin=’B07G4F4CY5|B07CXV6RDP|B00OZI5Q0C’ text=’Kam-snap pliers‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’laca0c6-21|lacasacactu0e-21|lacasacactus-21′ marketplace=’FR|DE|UK’ link_id=’1475a21b-d904-11e8-bb0a-030a738141ca’] for the ‘buttons’ to place plain black plastic snaps.

And here is a versatile cardigan. I like that length a lot on me. It’s also more fitted, but that’s due to the very nature of the fabric. The purple one was a wool jersey that had a lot of ease, hence the loose effect. On the contrary this fabric has slightly less ease. I love how fabrics affect the fit of a garment and I’m slowly learning how to adjust my patterns depending on the fabric I’ll use.

Mission “Everyday-wear cardi” accomplished!

Aveiro cardigan, La Casa Cactus

It’s a really quick pattern to sew once it’s fitted. I still have to alter the shoulders a bit. And I’ve had in mind to add tiny hidden pockets in the large bottom band.

My other plan is to sew the duster length for my daughter out of some hairy knit fabric or out of some cabled knit.



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